Have you already integrated Artificial Intelligence into your classes?


Don't miss out the opportunity: participate, document, and earn your digital badge!

The "Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence" initiative at Tecnologico de Monterrey invites educators from all academic levels, from high school to postgraduate studies, to document and share the applications of AI in teaching and learning. The aim is to acquire a digital badge recognition.

The initiative, orchestrated by the Center for Teaching Development and Educational Innovation (CEDDIE), acknowledges instructors who have embraced AI tools to enhance their students' learning experiences. To date, nearly 200 digital badges have been awarded to educators who have successfully integrated this technology into their learning environments.

Illustrative examples include:

María Guadalupe Reyes García taught a course on Latin American Cultural Expressions at PrepaTec Zacatecas, where she spearheaded "Nuestras Olvidadas." This innovative project had students create comics highlighting overlooked Latin American women. Utilizing AI for illustrations, the project, showcased at the Teyolía Festival, enabled students without drawing skills to depict these women's stories creatively and diversely, underlining AI's significant role in the creative process.

Tonatiuh Najera Ruiz conducted a practical exercise in Financial Modeling and Programming at Campus Sonora Norte. Students used AI to generate code for building an investment portfolio from scratch, including data retrieval, analysis, asset selection, portfolio composition and optimization, performance measurement, and backtesting. The aim was to acquaint students with AI tools in investment to make informed financial decisions.

Víctor Manuel Jímenez Rodríguez developed a Customized Adaptive Evaluation Plan in Innovation and Business Launch at Campus Querétaro. This plan leveraged AI to tailor to students' learning preferences, identifying learning styles, adapting tests to learning progress, analyzing learning journals for personalized adjustments, using digital portfolios for content assessment, and implementing multichannel feedback to pinpoint improvement areas. AI's pivotal role was to personalize educational content and assessments, enhancing the learning experience.

CEDDIE's "Pioneers in AI" initiative is open to all faculty members, encouraging ongoing innovation in AI for education. Those interested in joining can visit the Mi Innovación Educativa platform for more information and to document their innovations.



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Semana e Winter 2024


An immersive experience!

Semana e is an initiative driven by CEDDIE since 2019, aimed at professionally connecting teachers from Tecnológico de Monterrey. This experience occurs in summer and winter, collaborating with training partners to address real issues, in order to develop and strengthen cross-cutting competencies

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, two Week e sessions were held, one in the Villa del Carbón Community in the State of Mexico and the other in Aromatics and Chemicals of the Center, in San Luis Potosí. In this edition, a total of 33 teachers from the Ciudad de México, Cuernavaca, Estado de México, Guadalajara, Hidalgo, Laguna, Monterrey, Puebla, Querétaro, and San Luis Potosí campuses participated. 55% were from the School of Engineering and Sciences, 36% from the School of Business, and 9% from the School of Humanities and Education. 

The challenges faced by our teachers during the immersion were: 

Communities of Las Moras and El Ocotal in Villa del Carbón: 

  • How to reactivate the route of the Otomí community museum? 
  • How to increase the market and distribution network of the Organic Artisan Market? 

Chemicals and Aromatics of the Center: 

  • How can we transform organizational culture to promote an approach of innovation and agility? 
  • How can we generate supply alternatives to the hypochlorite business that allow maintaining relationships with suppliers and strengthening commercial relations with current customers during times of scarcity of this raw material? 

During the week, teachers became acquainted with the challenges posed by training partners, subsequently having contact in real scenarios to experience what is done in the community and the company, as well as conducting interviews with those responsible. From this, they were able to generate initial solution ideas. 

The teachers worked with the Design Thinking methodology, guided and supported by expert facilitators, focusing on the root causes to generate solution ideas, creating a prototype to receive feedback, which allowed them to obtain a definitive proposal, presented by the teams to the training partners at the end of the week. 

"A great experience, observing their needs and offering a solution focused on them... It allows the teacher to relate to real problems that are contributing to the country's development, without being a large industry," commented Professor Adriana Erika Martinez Cantón. 

Semana e experience allows collaboration among colleagues from different disciplines, the generation of greater empathy with students in the face of challenges, and the strengthening of transversal skills.

We appreciate the participation of the instructors and facilitators: 

  • Master Oscar Alberto Bojórquez Gutiérrez by campus Querétaro 
  • PhD. Eder Estrada Villalba ambos by campus Querétaro. 
  • PhD. Miriam Toribio Morales by campus Monterrey 
  • PhD. J. Guadalupe Torres Armenta by campus San Luis Potosí 
  • PhD. Norma Angélica Ruiz Servín by campus Estado de México 
  • Master Georgina Raquel Bustamente Castillo by campus Estado de México 
  • Bachelor degree Juan Carlos Hernández Cruz by campus Estado de México


** Traducción (se utilizó el chatbot GPT)

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Join us! The Global Shared Learning: Classroom AD2024 Call for proposals is now open


Would you like to integrate the international component GSL Classroom into your course?

The Vice-Rectory for International Affairs invites the educational community to participate in the call for proposals for Global Shared Learning: Classroom (GSL Classroom) from the academic period August - December 2024, which will take place from March 1st. to April 5th, 2024, closing on 3:00 p.m. (MCT). 

The main objective of this call is to offer professors a different internationalization opportunity, and enhance their professional development through innovation and the use of technology. 

GSL Classroom is an initiative of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs that aims to link an Educational Unit of Tecnológico de Monterrey with a course from an international partner university, through an international element, using technological tools to connect students, foster collaboration and facilitate learning in multicultural environments. This international component is included in the course of each of the participating universities, partially or totally, and its length can be extended throughout the course or applied to a specific module or topic with a minimum duration of four weeks. 

  • By implementing the COIL Methodology, faculty and students will be able to experience internationalization, collaborative work, and the development of meaningful interactions with international peers.

For more information click on: https://tec.mx/en/internacionalization/global-classroom-call 

Informative session   

  • March 19th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. (MCT). 

Register here. 


Enlace de registro a la sesión informativa: https://itesm.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZctde6sqj8uHdAPrWUdxT9jkzyHe7VigIqb#/registration  Correo de contacto para dudas:  tecglobalclassroom@itesm.mx

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Join us at VOCES de la dignidad humana!


Conferences and meeting spaces on human dignity for TEC community

VOCES started in 2019 as Human Dignity Week, organized by the Vice Presidency of Inclusion, Social Impact and Sustainability, through the Center for Recognition of Human Dignity, in which through cycles of conferences, conversations and workshops seek to develop awareness, empathy and co-responsibility on major issues linked to human dignity.

Since 2023 we evolve into VOCES, with the intention remark the necessity of meeting point where all the voices are represented, hear and respect, in order to develop in our community awareness of the diversity of their environment, and interested in working for equity and inclusion of all. VOCES de la dignidad humana will take place on February 27 to 29, at Campus Monterrey and will be broadcast via Live.tec, the complete agenda of the event can be check at https://tec.mx/es/dignidad-humana/voces-de-la-digndiad-humana.

The event is aimed at students, teachers and support staff. Don't miss this opportunity. See you at VOCES!





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Checklist to Start an Excellent Semester!


Before the start of the semester

Approaching the kick-off of the February-June 2024 semester! Are you all set? Get ready for a stellar start with these handy recommendations from our checklist:

  • Essentials at Your Fingertips: Keep your institutional account and digital key handy. If you need a hand, reach out to TecServices at tecservices@servicios.tec.mx or your campus's IT department.
  • miTec Hub Insights: Dive into miTec to access vital tools like Canvas, your professor schedule, and Success Factors. Tec21 educators can explore specific functionalities tailored for them in miTec21.
  • Canvas Command Center: Brace yourself for the semester with Canvas, your go-to platform. Personalize your account, flip on notifications for seamless student communication, and ensure your course details are up-to-date. Unclutter your content by unpublishing or purging unnecessary elements to steer clear of duplications.
  • eLumen Link-Up: Don't forget to link your evidence with eLumen, and remember, the rubric might already be preloaded.
  • Evaluation Blueprint: Set up your evaluation plan.
  • Content Cascade: Hit publish on all the must-see course content.
  • Course Go-Live: The grand finale - publish your course.

Learn more in this support video!


On the CEDDIE site, you can find support material on technological enablers, various resources to enhance your teaching practice, and recommendations for your well-being. 

Remember that at CEDDIE, we are here for you. Contact us in person at your campus or through the remote service, Conexión Ceddie, via Zoom (ID: conexionceddie o https://itesm.zoom.us/my/conexionceddie)! 

TEDU: https://sites.google.com/itesm.mx/usodecanvastec/experiencia-tec21 

Oferta de capacitación: https://ceddie.tec.mx/es/desarrollo-docente 

CEDDIE: https://ceddie.tec.mx/es 

Best of luck this semester!


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The Educational Innovation Hackathon organized by CEDDIE

TEC DU HACK, the CEDDIE Educational Innovation Hackathon at Tecnológico de Monterrey, stands as an opportunity to solve educational challenges by seeking ideas and solutions that address the need for student engagement.

On December 6th and 7th, 2023, the second national edition of Tec Du Hack was held, where 194 participants, 35 teacher evaluators and mentors, along with the entire CEDDIE educational innovation team, and the Educational Entrepreneurship team of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), united to work on a common challenge:

To ensure that the integration of generative artificial intelligence in the educational context translates into an understanding and demonstration of genuine learning for our students.

Over two intensive days of activities, presentations, workshops, and continuous work sessions, both in-person and remote, more than 233 teachers, mentors, and speakers worked and provided feedback on the launch of 48 educational innovation designs from four different perspectives:

  1. Feedback and assessment enhanced by AI
  2. AI tools for competency development
  3. Content production through generative artificial intelligence
  4. Converging emerging technologies (AI in the metaverse)

As part of the experience, various teams of teachers presented their ideas before an evaluating jury, who analyzed the proposals and defined the three recognized ideas, based on criteria such as innovative approach, potential to improve the learning experience, impact potential, as well as feasibility of implementation and scalability.

The winning teams will be recognized as TEC·DU HACK Ambassadors for one year, and all participants, regardless of their position on the leaderboard, will obtain a blockchain-based microcredential.

The hackathon represents an opportunity for teachers to work in teams on the solution of common challenges. These spaces allow the combination of creativity, initiative, and talent in the generation of ideas with the potential to change their educational environments and impact the improvement of the learning experience.

  • 1st place GPTeach Systemic AI model for genuine learning
  • 2nd place Pimp my Prompt 24/7 virtual assistant for teachers
  • 3rd place GPTs as a tool for personalized learning Prompts for competency development

Congratulations to all who participated, and particularly to the winning teams!



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AI powered educational practices are showcased at the IFE Conference 2024


Expo: Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Artificial Intelligence

Throughout 2023, the Center for Teaching Development and Educational Innovation (CEDDIE) at Tecnológico de Monterrey led a pioneering initiative to explore how teachers can leverage the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform education.

Under the "Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence" initiative, educators from all levels of the institution, from high school to graduate studies, were invited to document and share innovative uses of AI in teaching and learning. The aim was to improve education and grant recognition as pioneers through digital badges for incorporating these tools into their educational practice.

During the IFE Conference 2024, a representative selection of the more than 190 practices documented in the initiative was presented, taking advantage of the attendance of some AI implementers at the event. This exhibition provided an ideal platform for educators to share and receive feedback on their experiences, thereby extending the reach of the proposals presented.

Among the most outstanding proposals displayed were those from the teams that won first and second place at TecDuHack 2023 (CEDDIE Hackathon), which demonstrated innovative ways to promote genuine learning by integrating generative AI tools into new learning environments.

The "Pioneers in AI from CEDDIE" initiative remains open to all educators at the institution, encouraging continuous innovation in the use of AI for education. All those interested in joining and registering a proposal can access the Mi Innovación Educativa platform, where they will find more information and can document their innovations.



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Did you miss any of the Teacher Wellness Talks?


Check the recordings.

Visit the national site and access the recordings of the program where, over 25 sessions, experts in various disciplinary fields have shared tips and recommendations to strengthen teaching practices and improve the quality of life. Generating class experiences; stress and nutrition; classroom communication; economic and financial uncertainty; human flourishing; and burnout; are just a few of the topics that have been addressed. Here's a brief overview of some of them: 

Mayte Barba has emphasized the importance of spreading positive emotions to be happy and identifying optimism as an ethical duty. Talk: “Profesores positivos, alumnos felices”.

Ramiro Estrada has shared insights on identifying successful didactic elements that allow teachers to design educational experiences for meaningful learning. Talk: “Diseñando una experiencia espectacular”.

Andrea Monsanto has helped us identify concrete steps that promote neuronal resonance through verbal communication, thus improving interpersonal relationships. Talk: “La comunicación compasiva para conectar con tus estudiantes”.

Carlos Lever has taken us through the current economic and financial landscape so that as teachers, we can make the best decisions. Talk: “¿Cómo me preparo ante la incertidumbre económica y financiera?

Kelly Pozo has explained the importance of fostering a psychologically safe space for our students, as well as effective and affective teaching for empathetic teaching that leads to students being connected with learning. Talk: “Apuntes para una docencia asertiva”.

Enrique Tamés has taken us to understand the elements that make up human flourishing, in order to improve as individuals, have a better community, and a better planet. Talk: “El florecimiento humano desde la mirada de la docencia”.

Anayansi Escalante has shared how simple it is to make changes in dietary habits, as well as suggesting how to prepare easy, quick, and delicious meals to eat between classes. Talk: “Combate el estrés comiendo delicioso”.

Marcos Vicuña has provided practical tools for the proper management of the stress generated by teaching. Talk: “Manejo del burnout en docentes”.

Mariel Calderón has analyzed myths and realities about what food labels say, to be more informed and choose consciously what we consume. Talk: “¿Qué nos dicen las etiquetas de los alimentos?”.

Juan Antonio Águila has led us to reflect on favorable learning environments, considering the evolution from Intelligence Quotient to Intelligent Coexistence in the contemporary context. Talk: “Convivencia inteligente en el aula”.

These and other relevant topics for well-being aim to provide learning spaces and various support tools for well-being in daily life.

We invite you to join us in the various activities of the teacher wellness program organized by CEDDIE! Check the schedule on the official site.





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Are you interested in learning about collaboration and conflict management?


Panel: Effective Collaboration and Conflict Management

Check out the recording of the Teacher Wellness Talk organized by CEDDIE, featuring three distinguished professors from the School of Business: Maša Kuljiš in the International Business field, Ciudad de México Campus; Luis Miguel Román in Management and Leadership, León Campus; and Horacio Carreón, also in International Business, Santa Fe Campus. Drawing from their experience and global perspective, the professors discussed an important and current topic—addressing conflicts to collaborate and create enduring alliances. 

Through these talks, CEDDIE aims to provide spaces for learning and various support tools for well-being in daily life. 

Check out this recording and other interesting topics in the Wellness section of the CEDDIE website: https://ceddie.tec.mx/es/charlas 





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