The most relevant information that you need to know as a teacher in the period February - June 2024.
Week e - Summer 2024: Participate and live the experience!
If you are a full-time professional or postgraduate teacher, participate in one of the Semana e challenges this summer and solve real problems to develop and strengthen transversal skills. This period you will be able to solve sustainability challenges with IBM or in the Ecoparks of Cuernavaca, Morelos.
Sign up here! If you want to learn more about other editions of Semana e, click here.
Draft Coach, the new Turnitin functionality
Continue to promote academic integrity among your students by encouraging them to use Draft Coach. This new Turnitin functionality is enabled from Microsoft 365 and allows you to identify similarities and avoid citation or referencing errors in your assignments before uploading them to Canvas.
Learn more about Turnitin and Draft Coach here.
CADi Summer 2024: Learn and update!
Take advantage of this opportunity to improve your teaching work with the 142 virtual and in-person courses for professional and postgraduate teachers that will take place from June 17 to August 3. Sign up and continue learning!
Check the complete offer here and access the guide to register here.
The Tec Virtual Campus dresses up!
Visit the Faculty's Festival of Innovative Experiences from June 24 to July 10 in the Tecnológico de Monterrey metaverse. Projects that transform teaching await you!
Find out how to enter the festival here.
What resources does the CEDDIE AI page offer?
From applications to create images, presentations, prototypes and videos to support in your research, explore the artificial intelligence (AI) tools that CEDDIE recommends to enrich your teaching practice. Awaken your creativity and give a special touch to your classes!
Check out the apps here. If you have questions, access advice here.
Entrepreneurship for Training
Did you know that entrepreneurship can be part of the learning strategies of your courses? Join the conversation with Ulrick Oliver Noel, National Director of the Eugenio Garza Lagüera Entrepreneurship Institute at Tecnológico de Monterrey, to explore in depth the relationship between university education and entrepreneurship.
Listen to the new episode of the Sintonía CEDDIE podcast here.

Are you interested in deepening your knowledge of your emotional world?
Connect to the next workshop “Knowing my emotions to be my best version as a teacher”, taught by María Teresa Castillo García, and take note of tools that will help you regulate your emotions and continue working on being your best version.
Access here on June 19, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (CST), from the “Enter the workshop” button on the CEDDIE site.
The benefits of a happy brain
Work stress represents millions in economic losses and also damage to the nervous system, in addition to other diseases.
Learn this and more about the brain economy here.
Tips to achieve financial freedom
If you want to improve your finances and develop a more conscious relationship with your money, check out the recording of the workshop “Your Happy Money: Conscious Economy” taught by Andrea Monsanto.
Access the recording here and consult it whenever you want!
Resources to learn more about human flourishing
Matthew T. Lee, expert in human flourishing and keynote speaker at RNP 2024, shares with the community of Tec teachers these resources and sites that will serve as preparation for this edition of the event, which has as its theme “Artificial intelligence to promote flourishing.” human".
We are just a few days away from RNP 2024!
The virtual edition of the event for professional and postgraduate teachers will take place on July 2, 3 and 4. We invite you to browse the RNP website to find out all the details and news about the event.
Get ready for the Digital Library change on CANVAS!
Starting June 20, a new authentication will be implemented through the OpenAthens platform. Now you can enjoy an improved experience, with unique and approved access to more than 148 digital collections!
Discover a treasure of knowledge in the digital video library
Explore the video collections available to you on our institutional streaming platform called VideoTEC. Take advantage of a wide variety of audiovisual resources to support your teaching or for your personal enrichment.
Explore the platform here.
Inspiring Teachers Award 2024: Campus stage winners
Congratulations to the winning teachers of the campus stage! We recognize your innovation, leadership and commitment to teaching excellence. The next national stage will take place during the 2024 National Teachers' Meeting.
Meet the winners of the campus stage here.
With humor and creativity he teaches finances
Meet Francisco Orozco, a teacher from the Monterrey region, who does not hesitate to use masks and helmets to make his classes more dynamic.
Upcoming ECOA
Remember that during the months of June and July the following ECOA will be applied: Week 18 (from June 20 to 23) and Summer (from July 18 to 24).
Invite your students to participate in mitec > ECOA Student Opinion Survey.
Enter the remote attention service here:
Additional questions? Contact the team at:
Your favorites!
Quickly access the sites you use most as a teacher: