Revolutionize, to evolve. In almost all. And how much more, in education.
Would you like to know the most innovative initiatives designed and implemented collaboratively by teachers, schools and programs of our institution?
These are the 10 initiatives that transformed teaching-learning at Tecnológico de Monterrey during 2022:
- Adaptive learning We use data analytics to tailor education and create a personalized and effective learning path for each student, based on their performance, profile, and needs.
- Immersive learning with extended reality Through this type of resources, 33,953 students experienced memorable learning, thanks to the work of 422 teachers, who taught 133 subjects.
- Curricular and alternative credentials They were designed to recognize one or multiple learning, skills and competencies obtained through training experiences corresponding to the study plan and/or personal interests, for the professional development and human flourishing of our students.
- Teacher development and educational innovation Some of the most outstanding initiatives were: activities in the Tec Virtual Campus metaverse; Festival "Learning from our experiences of educational innovation"; Certification in Innovation and Educational Entrepreneurship; digital space Teaching Hub; among others.
- Ecosystem of educational technologies Two initiatives aimed at advancing towards the personalization of this ecosystem were implemented, benefiting more than 55,000 students and 7,000 teachers: Redesign of the evaluation of subcompetencies, and analytics for the personalization of learning.
- Innovative educational spaces Some of the most successful environments were: Immersive Learning Classroom (AIRX), Hall Immersive Room (HIR), Professor with hologram effect, Tec Virtual Campus, and Virtual Reality (VR) Zones.
- Internationalization The Global Shared Learning (GSL) model allowed educational continuity with international links for students and teachers, from the Tecnológico de Monterrey and partner universities.
- Laboratories, software and digital resources Some of the most relevant strategic initiatives of the year were: TecDigital Labs, Academic Software Portfolio, Multiformat Digital Library, Library Collections, and Digital Publishing.
- Novus Projects This initiative seeks to strengthen the culture of educational innovation based on evidence provided by its teachers. In 2022, 768 teachers participated, who prepared 198 proposals.
- Educational trends and innovative pedagogical experiences The Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education promotes the analysis and dissemination of educational trends and experiences at a higher level and lifelong learning.
Access all the details in the full report, here: