Comité Editorial

Teaching developmet

Educational Innovation


An immersive experience!



Semana e is an initiative driven by CEDDIE since 2019, aimed at professionally connecting teachers from Tecnológico de Monterrey. This experience occurs in summer and winter, collaborating with training partners to address real issues, in order to develop and strengthen cross-cutting competencies

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, two Week e sessions were held, one in the Villa del Carbón Community in the State of Mexico and the other in Aromatics and Chemicals of the Center, in San Luis Potosí. In this edition, a total of 33 teachers from the Ciudad de México, Cuernavaca, Estado de México, Guadalajara, Hidalgo, Laguna, Monterrey, Puebla, Querétaro, and San Luis Potosí campuses participated. 55% were from the School of Engineering and Sciences, 36% from the School of Business, and 9% from the School of Humanities and Education. 

The challenges faced by our teachers during the immersion were: 

Communities of Las Moras and El Ocotal in Villa del Carbón: 

  • How to reactivate the route of the Otomí community museum? 
  • How to increase the market and distribution network of the Organic Artisan Market? 

Chemicals and Aromatics of the Center: 

  • How can we transform organizational culture to promote an approach of innovation and agility? 
  • How can we generate supply alternatives to the hypochlorite business that allow maintaining relationships with suppliers and strengthening commercial relations with current customers during times of scarcity of this raw material? 

During the week, teachers became acquainted with the challenges posed by training partners, subsequently having contact in real scenarios to experience what is done in the community and the company, as well as conducting interviews with those responsible. From this, they were able to generate initial solution ideas. 

The teachers worked with the Design Thinking methodology, guided and supported by expert facilitators, focusing on the root causes to generate solution ideas, creating a prototype to receive feedback, which allowed them to obtain a definitive proposal, presented by the teams to the training partners at the end of the week. 

"A great experience, observing their needs and offering a solution focused on them... It allows the teacher to relate to real problems that are contributing to the country's development, without being a large industry," commented Professor Adriana Erika Martinez Cantón. 

Semana e experience allows collaboration among colleagues from different disciplines, the generation of greater empathy with students in the face of challenges, and the strengthening of transversal skills.

We appreciate the participation of the instructors and facilitators: 

  • Master Oscar Alberto Bojórquez Gutiérrez by campus Querétaro 
  • PhD. Eder Estrada Villalba ambos by campus Querétaro. 
  • PhD. Miriam Toribio Morales by campus Monterrey 
  • PhD. J. Guadalupe Torres Armenta by campus San Luis Potosí 
  • PhD. Norma Angélica Ruiz Servín by campus Estado de México 
  • Master Georgina Raquel Bustamente Castillo by campus Estado de México 
  • Bachelor degree Juan Carlos Hernández Cruz by campus Estado de México


** Traducción (se utilizó el chatbot GPT)




Educational Innovation

Innovación Educativa

Educational technology

Tecnología Educativa





Teaching developmet

Resulto util