The Vice-Rectory for International Affairs invites the educational community to participate in the call for proposals for Global Shared Learning: Classroom (GSL Classroom) from the academic period August - December 2024, which will take place from March 1st. to April 5th, 2024, closing on 3:00 p.m. (MCT).
The main objective of this call is to offer professors a different internationalization opportunity, and enhance their professional development through innovation and the use of technology.
GSL Classroom is an initiative of the Vice-Rectory for International Affairs that aims to link an Educational Unit of Tecnológico de Monterrey with a course from an international partner university, through an international element, using technological tools to connect students, foster collaboration and facilitate learning in multicultural environments. This international component is included in the course of each of the participating universities, partially or totally, and its length can be extended throughout the course or applied to a specific module or topic with a minimum duration of four weeks.
- By implementing the COIL Methodology, faculty and students will be able to experience internationalization, collaborative work, and the development of meaningful interactions with international peers.
For more information click on:
Informative session
- March 19th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. (MCT).
Register here.

Enlace de registro a la sesión informativa: Correo de contacto para dudas: