Comité Editorial

Explore and use our “Digital Education and Educational Innovation Dashboard 2022”! We invite you to be an active part of this exciting revolution



Since its creation in 2018, our Educational Innovation Report has aimed to bring the internal and external community of Tecnológico de Monterrey closer to learn about the current state of innovation in teaching-learning at the institution, by presenting the most recent advances in the adoption and incorporation of innovative educational practices, as well as the enablers and environments that allow the development of said transformations. 

Thanks to the valuable contribution of the National Schools, as well as the various innovation initiatives in the institution, we already have approved and reliable information on the projects developed in 2022, through the following instrument: Board of Educational Innovation and Digital Education 2022.

Learn about it here: bit.ly/Tablero_2022 

This dashboard is an invaluable tool that will allow you to visualize and understand the impact of different educational innovation projects and programs implemented by our institution. With detailed information and key metrics, you'll be able to analyze progress, identify areas of opportunity, and make informed decisions to drive your own innovation initiatives in digital education. 

In this space you will have the ability to apply a wide range of filters to refine your search for information and obtain specific details that fit your interests. The main topics that you will be able to explore are the following: 

  • general impact of digital education in the Tec
  • impact of educational innovation by category and by school
  • impact of digital education by modality, by academic programs, by students-subject, by School, by digital postgraduate program, lifelong education and social programs. 

What do you think of this new space? 

We are sure that it is not only an informative tool, but also a reliable source to support your research, as well as to successfully adopt new practices, disseminate institutional achievements, and inspire you to continue transforming, together with us, the future of education. 

To see the full report on the institution's institutional initiatives and promoters of digital educational experiences, click on the following link: Educational innovation and digital education at the Tecnológico de Monterrey | Report 2022 bit.ly/report-IE-ED-2022







Educational Innovation

Innovación Educativa

Educational technology

Tecnología Educativa





Teaching developmet

Resulto util