Benefits of Mindful Breathing Inside and Outside the Classroom
Learn about the importance of the relationship between mindful breathing and the nervous system, and engage in guided exercises contributing to the construction of personal well-being.
Generation Z: Fragile or Resilient? Bridging the Generational Gap
Recognize the characteristics of current generations: social context, feelings, perceptions, attitudes, and skills to develop learning strategies that motivate students and strengthen teaching practices.
The magic of the classroom as a creative and critical thinking scenario: the challenge of using devices
Identify the challenges of the use of mobile devices in students and their balance in the classroom through experiences that stimulate creativity and critical thinking for a harmonious environment.
How to protect and project your voice in the classroom?
Recognize and strengthen the vocal apparatus to enhance vocal hygiene and projection, utilizing tools that improve tone and rhythm for more effective communication.
Communication for conflict resolution
Tools are addressed to achieve positive communication in collaborative and/or confrontation scenarios, which lead to the construction of better environments and the effective resolution of conflicts.