Courses and materials

We offer courses that seek to provide you with tools, knowledge, and relevant information for your teaching and personal work.



Wellness Courses

Consult the national offer and go to your CEDDIE to learn about the local offer.





You will also find resources and didactic materials that will allow you to strengthen the areas of focus considered in this program.


Visual culture how to take of my eyesight?

Teacher: Víctor Costeño Chilaca

In this video, Professor Victor provides tips and recommendations for eye care to maintain good visual health.



Voice management techniques and the use of space

Teacher: Verónica Orihuela Vera

This video presents the importance of the voice to connect with our students. She also recommends techniques that can be developed before, during and after class to project the voice, take care of it and develop it.



Emotional Intelligence

This infographic is available for you to identify the most relevant aspects of emotional intelligence and apply them in your daily life. This infographic will help you identify the most relevant aspects of emotional intelligence that you can apply in your daily life.





Strategic Allies

Tec, committed to integral wellness and aligned with the 2030 strategic plan,  has developed programs focused on its diverse audiences.

At CEDDIE we collaborate with our partners to develop initiatives and actions. We invite you to consult the resources we offer for your well-being.