Comité Editorial

Check the recordings.



Visit the national site and access the recordings of the program where, over 25 sessions, experts in various disciplinary fields have shared tips and recommendations to strengthen teaching practices and improve the quality of life. Generating class experiences; stress and nutrition; classroom communication; economic and financial uncertainty; human flourishing; and burnout; are just a few of the topics that have been addressed. Here's a brief overview of some of them: 

Mayte Barba has emphasized the importance of spreading positive emotions to be happy and identifying optimism as an ethical duty. Talk: “Profesores positivos, alumnos felices”.

Ramiro Estrada has shared insights on identifying successful didactic elements that allow teachers to design educational experiences for meaningful learning. Talk: “Diseñando una experiencia espectacular”.

Andrea Monsanto has helped us identify concrete steps that promote neuronal resonance through verbal communication, thus improving interpersonal relationships. Talk: “La comunicación compasiva para conectar con tus estudiantes”.

Carlos Lever has taken us through the current economic and financial landscape so that as teachers, we can make the best decisions. Talk: “¿Cómo me preparo ante la incertidumbre económica y financiera?

Kelly Pozo has explained the importance of fostering a psychologically safe space for our students, as well as effective and affective teaching for empathetic teaching that leads to students being connected with learning. Talk: “Apuntes para una docencia asertiva”.

Enrique Tamés has taken us to understand the elements that make up human flourishing, in order to improve as individuals, have a better community, and a better planet. Talk: “El florecimiento humano desde la mirada de la docencia”.

Anayansi Escalante has shared how simple it is to make changes in dietary habits, as well as suggesting how to prepare easy, quick, and delicious meals to eat between classes. Talk: “Combate el estrés comiendo delicioso”.

Marcos Vicuña has provided practical tools for the proper management of the stress generated by teaching. Talk: “Manejo del burnout en docentes”.

Mariel Calderón has analyzed myths and realities about what food labels say, to be more informed and choose consciously what we consume. Talk: “¿Qué nos dicen las etiquetas de los alimentos?”.

Juan Antonio Águila has led us to reflect on favorable learning environments, considering the evolution from Intelligence Quotient to Intelligent Coexistence in the contemporary context. Talk: “Convivencia inteligente en el aula”.

These and other relevant topics for well-being aim to provide learning spaces and various support tools for well-being in daily life.

We invite you to join us in the various activities of the teacher wellness program organized by CEDDIE! Check the schedule on the official site.







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