Comité Editorial

Educational Innovation

Artificial intelligence


Faculty Transforming Education



Organized by the Center for Educational Development and Innovation in Education (CEDDIE) of Tecnológico de Monterrey, AI Summit: Faculty Transforming Education, brought together high school, professional and graduate teachers, on July 29, 30 and 31, 2024, at the Mexico City campus. In this first edition, a face-to-face collaboration space was created to design learning experiences enriched with artificial intelligence to be implemented during August-December, and thus build a benchmark of good practices.  

Along the three days of activity, more than 170 teachers participated in talks regarding to the state of the art in artificial intelligence, immersive work sessions and practical activities related to the use and application of AI in education; the event culminated with the presentation of a prototype developed collaboratively, in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teams, to be put into practice later with the students.  

During the sessions, expert voices shared information and recommendations regarding the daily use and interaction with artificial intelligence; from the perspective of the Tec graduate and current master's student, Bernardo González, the issue highlighted was that as teachers we need to be aware of the moment in which we are living nowadays, where the work environment needs are rapidly changing; we also have to consider that almost all students already use artificial intelligence, however, not all of them do it in a precisely way to obtain a specific objective, and that is where guidance from teachers is required.   

Throughout the event, collaboration was a key theme, particularly in the breakout sessions. Teams from related fields and interdisciplinary group areas demonstrated how the union of different perspectives allows the exchange of ideas and enriches the experience and knowledge of those who participate, giving rise to creative and effective educational solutions through the comprehensive use of artificial intelligence.  

"It has given me a lot of new information and to see the new wave of disruptive technology that is going to affect the whole society and particularly education," said Professor Uriel Caballero, from the School of Humanities and Education.  

Creativity, on the other hand, was the driving force behind many of the initiatives presented. The teachers showed that the use of artificial intelligence, together with innovative methodologies and didactic strategies, can significantly enrich the educational experience.  

"An opportunity to learn from the best, because here there are about 200 professors, the best in the system, and to begin to develop new ideas around artificial intelligence applied to education, and specifically to the Tec 21 model, which as we know, has very interesting particularities," said Professor Ricardo Aguayo, from the School of Architecture, Art and Design.  

To conclude the activities, the design projects were presented and evaluated by a committee, based on the potential for impact and feasibility; here are some of the featured projects:  

  • InnovAItive Learning. Responsible and innovative integration of artificial intelligence in the teaching-learning process through three key phases: diagnosis, interactive teaching, and personalized feedback, with the support of a quiz, an interactive class, and an AI tutor, respectively. 
  • Empathic Communication AI. Based on the generation of conflict scenarios with the use of AI, students are asked to address the situation presented using communication, empathy, and conflict management skills.  
  • Executive Hot Seat AI. Faculty from various business disciplines create extensive C-level-executive profile prompts that they use to train Chatbase. By assigning the project to students, they are introduced to their different C-level executives, who will be able to advise and provide feedback to the students.  
  • MediTec: Virtual Patient. Implementation of Augmented Reality with ChatGPT to simulate a virtual patient that supports the conduct of an interview and medical history of a patient, implementing an evaluation tool.  

The distinguished projects could be part of digital publications and participate in forums such as national innovation talks, in addition to the IFE conference 2025.  

The event ended with the participant’s commitment to implement and share their findings and invite colleagues to enrich the ideas shared and maximize the impact of the proposals built to continue innovating in teaching practice.

Check out the highlights moments of the event in this video.





Educational Innovation

Innovación Educativa

Educational technology

Tecnología Educativa





Teaching developmet

Resulto util