Teacher´s Education

Explore and access CADis recordings that Ruta Azul in conjunction with CEDDIE offers to the entire faculty of the institution on sustainability.

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CADI: Educate to address climate change: A transversal approach.

The objective of this CADI is to provide the concepts, methodologies, pedagogies, and tools necessary to integrate climate change and sustainable development across teaching practices and training units.


                                      Day 1

                                        Day 2

                                        Day 3




CADI: Addressing the Climate Crisis from Universities 



The aim of this resource is to understand what climate change is, how it affects us, the local and global challenges it poses, and to determine the role that universities play in addressing the climate crisis for humanity. It seeks to highlight the actions that institutions are taking in research, teaching, and engagement regarding climate change, as well as to identify and showcase areas of opportunity for enhancing the role of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).







Stay informed about the CADis that Ruta Azul offers and that are offered in winter and summer so that you can participate in them. You can do it directly in the offer of CEDDIE.