In August, training workshops will begin to help teachers understand how to update the URLs in their CANVAS courses following the update of the Digital Library.
This update now facilitates authentication and access to all collections through a single and standardized entry. The new authentication process is through the OpenAthens platform, making it easier to access over 177 digital collections and millions of reference resources. The goal is to authenticate once instead of for each collection.
Don't worry about "broken links" messages, the resources remain available in the Digital Library for you and your students, you just need to update the URLs you have in CANVAS for all your courses.
If you want to learn more about this change and how to resolve or convert direct links in your courses, we recommend signing up for workshops that will be held on two different dates:
- Tuesdays, August 6th, 13th, and 20th at 10:00 am
- Thursdays, August 8th, 15th, and 22nd at 3:00 pm
Visit the calendar: Fill out the form in the center part
Select "Multidisciplinary" from the left menu, Choose the workshop: "OpenAthens: new authentication method in the Library" Click on "View offerings" to see available dates.
We are at your disposal on the Library portal, in this section, where you can write us or make an appointment with a librarian.