Comité Editorial

The Educational Innovation Hackathon organized by CEDDIE



TEC DU HACK, the CEDDIE Educational Innovation Hackathon at Tecnológico de Monterrey, stands as an opportunity to solve educational challenges by seeking ideas and solutions that address the need for student engagement.

On December 6th and 7th, 2023, the second national edition of Tec Du Hack was held, where 194 participants, 35 teacher evaluators and mentors, along with the entire CEDDIE educational innovation team, and the Educational Entrepreneurship team of the Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), united to work on a common challenge:

To ensure that the integration of generative artificial intelligence in the educational context translates into an understanding and demonstration of genuine learning for our students.

Over two intensive days of activities, presentations, workshops, and continuous work sessions, both in-person and remote, more than 233 teachers, mentors, and speakers worked and provided feedback on the launch of 48 educational innovation designs from four different perspectives:

  1. Feedback and assessment enhanced by AI
  2. AI tools for competency development
  3. Content production through generative artificial intelligence
  4. Converging emerging technologies (AI in the metaverse)

As part of the experience, various teams of teachers presented their ideas before an evaluating jury, who analyzed the proposals and defined the three recognized ideas, based on criteria such as innovative approach, potential to improve the learning experience, impact potential, as well as feasibility of implementation and scalability.

The winning teams will be recognized as TEC·DU HACK Ambassadors for one year, and all participants, regardless of their position on the leaderboard, will obtain a blockchain-based microcredential.

The hackathon represents an opportunity for teachers to work in teams on the solution of common challenges. These spaces allow the combination of creativity, initiative, and talent in the generation of ideas with the potential to change their educational environments and impact the improvement of the learning experience.

  • 1st place GPTeach Systemic AI model for genuine learning
  • 2nd place Pimp my Prompt 24/7 virtual assistant for teachers
  • 3rd place GPTs as a tool for personalized learning Prompts for competency development

Congratulations to all who participated, and particularly to the winning teams!






Educational Innovation

Innovación Educativa

Educational technology

Tecnología Educativa





Teaching developmet

Resulto util