Faculty Development and Wellbeing Model

Tecnológico de Monterrey provides its faculty, since the on-boarding stage and throughout their career, with courses, resources, experiences, and support services, that foster integration into the institutional culture, as well as the development and strengthening of their competencies in teaching, educational innovation, and the use of technology to enhance student learning.
The model also promotes faculty’s continuous update in their disciplinary knowledge; their strategic linking with the industry, business, public, and social environment; the strengthening of their international perspective; and their wellbeing.

Explore the Faculty Development and Wellbeing Model



The six development areas are: 


Teaching and Learning


The continuous development and strengthening of faculty’s teaching competences contribute to enhance student academic success, according to the institutional educational model, and with the optimal use of the ample variety of learning resources available.




Educational innovation and technology


Faculty members continuously renew their teaching practice by adopting innovative pedagogical and technological methodologies and resources. To achieve this, they have access to courses and development experiences that stimulate innovation, collaboration, and diffusion of best practices.




Disciplinary updating, linkage, and knowledge generation


Tecnológico de Monterrey offers courses to its faculty, on a continuous basis, aimed at keeping them up-to-date in their disciplinary and multidisciplinary areas of expertise. Faculty also receive support to participate in activities that  strengthen their linkage with the industrial, business, public, and social environment, as well as their research competencies.






Faculty can contribute to the transformation of their students’ lives and their communities, which represents a stimulating professional and personal purpose. To adequately manage the demands of their job to maintain quality of life, they can participate in activities, courses, and experiences that contribute to their wellbeing, such as stress reduction, life balance, emotional management techniques for their students and themselves, and financial planning.




Faculty impact transcends the boundaries of geography. To strengthen their development in an international arena, faculty members have access to courses and experiences that enhance their linguistic and multicultural competencies, as well as their opportunities for collaboration with peers from prestigious higher education institutions from around the world.




Organizational culture


The knowledge of Tecnológico de Monterrey’s history, philosophy, values, and strategic programs, permits faculty to design teaching experiences aligned to the achievement of the institutional vision.

