Episode 05

Universal Design for Learning / Cristina Reynaga and Eliud Quintero

In this episode we will listen as Cristina Reynaga and Eliud Quintero tell us about their experiences implementing Universal Design for Learning as part of the challenges they pose to their students.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a model that has its foundation in educational practice and research, learning theories and advances in neuroscience. The basic standard starts from diversity in the classroom, combining an inclusive view and approach to teaching.



Support resources

Below, we share with you a series of readings, videos and web pages that may be of interest to you. We invite you to consult them:

Web pages


  • Audiovisuales UNED (Nov 14, 2019) DUA: Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje – Educación inclusiva y modelo pedagógico. https://youtu.be/u8tK8UkoAmM  
  • Saldarriaga Concha (May 23, 2019) Conferencia Carmen Alba Pastor - Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje DUA - FILBO 2019 https://youtu.be/9i0YUupzDkg


Guest lecturer and professor

Cristina Gehibie Reynaga Peña

She obtained her PhD in Genetics in 1996 at the University of California, Riverside, where she gained research experience in the areas of fungal growth biology and plant developmental biology. Subsequently, as a tenured researcher at the Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados del IPN Unidad Irapuato, her research area focused on plant-fungus interactions. Since 2003 she has developed and implemented science teaching programs in formal and non-formal settings for elementary education. Based on her experience in the generation of educational proposals for science education for children and youth with visual impairment, she decided to focus on educational research in 2011, joining the Monterrey Unit of CINVESTAV; this, using a sabbatical year at the University of California, Berkeley for such transition. Her current research areas focus on science education for marginalized populations and teacher training, approached from the inclusive science education approach. His academic production consists of 33 research products in national and international journals, in addition to 1 book for teachers and 24 registration titles of educational materials (2 patents, 17 utility models and 5 industrial designs) granted by the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property. He has more than 1900 citations to his articles, according to Google Scholar. In the last 6 years she has obtained 7 applied educational research projects funded by CONACYT and other national and international agencies, four of them focused on teacher training for science education. She was a professor in the Scholarship-Chile Biology Didactics Internship Program offered at CINVESTAV Unidad Monterrey on three occasions (2012 to 2015). She has also offered conferences and workshops on inclusive science education in different states of Mexico and abroad.


Eliud Quintero Rodríguez

Eliud Quintero holds a PhD in Educational Innovation from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico. He is a professor at the School of Humanities and Education at the Tec de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. He graduated with a degree in Mathematics from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. He has worked as a Specialist in Curriculum Design and Development, Specialist in Educational Trends and as a lecturer for the School of Engineering and Science at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He has published several research articles and scientific dissemination, as well as book chapters. His lines of development and research address the design of innovative educational environments, the integration of technologies for education and assessment for learning. Eliud participates as a consultant, teacher trainer, evaluator, speaker and workshop leader in national and international congresses and forums on Educational Innovation. He currently serves as National Director of the Educational Innovation program at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico.